NIE and Residency in Spain

As a part of your property finding package, we can take care of your NIE number (required to purchase a property in Spain) and also handle the residence application process if you intend to settle in Valencia, Spain.

You might hear about NIE number even before you actually move to Spain, and if not, sooner or later someone is likely to ask for your NIE. NIE (Número de Identidad de Extranjero) is the foreign identification number, which you need for a range of different purposes in Spain, such as for purchasing a property or a car. In a nutshell, any foreigner having something to do with Spain in social, professional or economic terms is required to obtain NIE. Even if you do not need it in the first place, having one is recommendable as it is sometimes required even for such commonplace actions as making an Internet or phone contract.

If you intend to stay in Spain for more than 90 days, in addition to obtaining your NIE you will need to apply for resident status. Regardless of whether you are a EU citizen or a non-EU citizen, or if some members in your family are EU members and others are not, we take care of all your paperwork.

Services for EU citizens

To obtain the NIE, we arrange the appointments and assist you with filling in forms and fee payment. We personally accompany you to the Police office. Once you obtain your NIE, the number is permanent and there is no need to apply for it again.

In terms of your residency application, we offer consultation on requirements for residency and legal assessment. We arrange the appointments online, help you with form filling, fee payment and preparing all the necessary documents. We also personally accompany you to the office.

Services for families with an EU member

If you are an EU national and have family members who are not, the Spanish legal system requires that prior to applying for resident status for the non-EU citizen, the EU citizen has to be already registered as a resident in Spain. There are separate offices for EU and non-EU citizens.

We offer legal assessment and consultation on the requirements for registering non-EU family members. We also arrange your appointments online and assist with filling in the forms, paying the fee and preparing all the necessary documents. We personally accompany you to the office.

After the non-EU citizen´s residency is approved, the next step is the residence card application for non-EU citizens (in Spanish – TIE, tarjeta de identidad de extranjero). We book your appointments at the Police office and assist with carrying out fee payment and filling in forms. After taking the fingerprints and completing the paperwork, the actual residence card is issued within a month, and has a validity of 5 years.

Services for non-EU citizens

We also assist with the initial non-lucrative visa application (that lately is also called as non-working visa). You need to apply for it before the move to Spain via the Spanish Consulate closest to your current residence place.

If you plan to purchase a property of the value of minimum 500.000 euros, we can also help to obtain the golden visa – a residence permit that has got quite significant benefits when compared to other type of residence permits. The initial application for the golden visa is processed from Spain after the purchase is completed.

Non-EU nationals arriving on visa are obliged to complete their residency process by obtaining a residence card. We take care of the booking of appointments, assist you with carrying out fee payment, filling in forms and personally accompany you to the office. After completing the application process, the actual residence card is issued within a month.

If you already have the residence card, but you want to prolong your stay in Spain you can use YES Valencia guide for that: How to Renew Temporary Non Lucrative Residence Permit in Spain.

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